World Book Day

What an exciting day at Grange Park it has been! We LOVE books and reading at Grange Park so it is no surprise that we just LOVE World Book Day. This year, Grange Park decided that everyone could come in pyjamas and bring their favourite books. Lots of different things happened today and they were all about .... you guessed it.......BOOKS!

The Court Hearing of Alexander T Wolf

This morning, KS1 and KS2 all had a mysterious letter delivered. It invited us all to the trial of Alexander T Wolf. We were invited to be the jury and we would listen to evidence, watch CCTV and get to question the witnesses. At the end of the trial, we would have to decide whether Alexander was guilty or not- guilty. The courtroom drama was brought to life by the brilliant actors of Bigfoot Entertainment. After the trial, KS2 took part in drama workshops to extend this work.

Bigfoot Entertainment  worked with all Key Stage 2 classes to continue work on Alexander T Wolf's real story of the Three Little Pigs. Our pupils used some serious acting skills and utilised drama techniques like Freeze Frame. 


In Keystage One, explored the tale of Alexander Wolf's Real Story of the Three Little Pigs further and made Wanted Posters to find the wolf.

We also explored DEMOCRACY today. All of the classes were able to go to a Gap Book Sale outside Mrs Cowan's office. We each got one vote to decide which books we would like to buy out of our FRUIT BOOK MONEY. We made some brilliant choices and these books went straight into our class libraries. Find out more about Fruit for Books here.

Of course, we also read lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of books.....