
 Maths Curriculum Intent

 At Grange Park we endeavour to do the following things when teaching children mathematics:

 We want to inspire our children to be great mathematicians who are engaged, excited and willing to learn.

  •  We want children to be confident and resilient when tackling mathematical challenges.
  •  We want children to understand how mathematics translates to their lives and make experiences as real as possible.
  •  We want children to be fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics.
  •  We want children to solve problems by:
    • applying mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication
    • breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps
    • persevering in seeking solutions

 We want children to reason mathematically by:

    • following a line of enquiry
    • conjecturing relationships and generalisations
    • developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language

 Most importantly, we want children to be proud of their achievements!


Maths Curriculum Implementation


At Grange Park we will achieve our intent by doing the following things:

  •  Follow the National Curriculum when planning mathematics. To support this, we use White Rose Hub blocks, mapping them onto our own school Long Term Plan, which ensures coverage and progression throughout the whole school.
  •  Have a clear calculation policy, which has been formulated after discussions with staff, this enables a clear progressions in CPA strategies used across the whole school.
  •  Give all children the opportunity to learn and achieve- we teach using a mastery approach and lesson structure. This means learning is broken down into small accessible steps that allow children to make incremental progress by combining fluency in basic skills and methods, with opportunities for rich and integrated reasoning and problem solving. By doing this we continually foster a growth mindset.
  • In Key Stage 2, we have a weekly fluency lesson to focus  on the key maths skills appropriate to the year group.
  • In Key Stage 1, we follow the NCETM mastering number program.

 All lessons have the following structure:



Children have the opportunity to practise four questions which include previously taught content: last week, last unit, last term, last year. At this point in the lesson, children identified will access some pre-teach intervention.


Children are given a problem or stimulus to discuss, linked to the previous learning. This gives the teachers opportunity to formatively assess pupils’ understanding and thus, adapt the lesson where necessary.


The teachers model new skills or their thinking and reasoning relating to problems, identifying key vocabulary when appropriate.


This part of the session allows the children to work practically, engage in discussions and address misconceptions. Again, formative assessment will happen throughout this section and will give the teacher an understanding of who needs further support or challenge during the independent section. Here there is a focus on breaking learning into smaller steps.


Apply (Intelligent Practice)

Children will work independently or in groups on the same task (intelligent practice), where possible. Support will be available from a teacher or TA (in guided groups when needed), and concrete or pictorial resources will be available for children to access, whenever they need them. For challenge, there is always an opportunity to stretch children though carefully planned questioning, encouraging them to develop an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language, allowing for depth (this is highlighted in books by a yellow box and is referred to as squeeze). Children present their work in their books and are encouraged to do so in a way which is helpful to them. The role of the teacher in this part of the lesson is to support, challenge, praise, address misconceptions and formatively assess.


For children who are working significantly lower than age-related expectations, there will be work taught at an appropriate level, giving them the chance to practise previously taught knowledge, learn new concepts and then the opportunity for them to apply independently.  



Finally, there will be an opportunity to apply new learning to a new concept, or an opportunity for children to share findings from the lesson. This will be a final opportunity for teachers to assess children’s learning.


  • Live marking is used throughout school and allows children instant feedback, giving them the opportunity address errors or discuss misconceptions, on the spot.
  • Working walls are used where key concepts and vocabulary are displayed, which supports children in their reasoning and problem solving.
  • Sentence stems are displayed on Powerpoints to support and develop reasoning and encourage importance of spoken language in pupils’ development across the whole curriculum.  
  • We want our children to develop sufficient understanding and unconscious competence in their mathematical basic skills. Children are supported in embedding key concepts into long term memory, to support them in recalling them fluently, by implementation of a Maths Meeting, at least 3 times a week, a daily Flashback (taken from White Rose Maths) and a weekly homework which consolidates past learning from a variety of domains.
  • By assessing children, formatively and daily, and summatively at the end of each block and term, teachers have a deep understanding of how they need to adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of all children.
  • At the end of every term, we use NFER tests from Y2-Y6 and use the standardised scoring system to support teachers with their termly judgements, alongside their knowledge from ongoing formative assessment.

In Reception:

  • We use Mastering Number for 4 days a week to secure solid foundations in number. Teaching on the 5th day has a focus on shape, space, measure and pattern.
  • We weave maths into continuous provision, through carefully planned activities and resources.
  • We resource our maths area with equipment that supports learning which is taking place.

In Nursery: 

  • We have a bespoke long term plan which aligns with Development Matters.
  • We weave maths into continuous provision, through carefully planned activities and resources.
  • We plan and teach 2 focused maths sessions, weekly, in small groups. 
  • We resource our maths area with equipment that supports learning which is taking place.

Maths Curriculum Impact


  • Children demonstrate a quick recall of facts and procedures. This includes the recollection of the times table.
  • Children show confidence in believing that they will achieve and they enjoy maths: they are not scared to ‘have a go’.
  • Each child achieves objectives (expected standard) for year group.
  • Children have the flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations of maths.
  • Children have the chance to develop the ability to recognise relationships and make connections in maths lessons.
  • Mathematical concepts or skills are mastered when a child can show it in multiple ways, using the mathematical language to explain their ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations.
  • Children show a high level of pride in the presentation and understanding of the work.


Long Term Plan

Below is the Long Term Plan for maths. 


 Whole School Maths LTP Nov 2022 V1.pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1


Maths presentation policy

Number Formation

As a school, we follow the Numberblocks number formation.


  • Children should write a six-digit number date.
  • Children should write a ‘I can statement’- this should be underlined.
  • All figures must be written neatly and clearly with one figure to each square.
  • There should be at least one clear square between each calculation, both horizontally and vertically.
  • When using vertical layout, the answer should have ruler lines above and below the answer with the operation sign to the left or right in a separate column.
  • Calculations which involve an exchange (carrying) should see the relevant digit written smaller than usual beneath the bottom line.
  • All work should be done in pencil.
  • Decimal points are used on the line between the numbers.
  • Rulers must be used to draw all lines.
  • Mistakes should be crossed out neatly using one line.
  • The pound sign should be written as follows: £